TA98 Latin preferred term
divisio autonomica
TA98 Latin official synonym
pars autonomica systematis nervosi peripherici
TA98 English equivalent
autonomic division
TA98 English synonym
autonomic part of peripheral nervous system
TA98 footnote
Divisio autonomica The term systema nervosum autonomicum is not used in this list to avoid ambiguity. For some it parallels the somatic nervous system and has central and peripheral components; for others it is a part of the peripheral nervous system. ln addition some consider it to have efferent elements only, while others recognise afferent elements as well. There are very many connections between somatic nerves and autonomic ganglia and between autonomic structures in the head. Examples are the connections between the superior cervical ganglion and the sensory trigeminal ganglion, between the nerve plexus around the internal carotid artery and cavernous plexus and the abducens nerve and between the pterygopalatine and the ciliary ganglion. Of these connections, only n. pinealis has been named.